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Assistant Process Manager Manufacturing Engineering

Ritratto di LI Ilario
1 anni di esperienza
Posizione attuale: 
Assistant Process Manager & Feasibility & Budget Engineer
Livello di Cinese: 
Altre lingue conosciute: 
Inglese, Italiano
Settore di Specializzazione: 
Manufacturing e Manufacturing Engineering
Disponibilità di spostamento*: 
Cina@Jiangsu, Shanghai, Zhejiang e Italia@ Milano, Torino
Esperienza in Cina: 
20 (anni)
Esperienza Lavorativa: 

Work experience (internship):
April 2012-October 2012: work in FIAT Powertrain Technologies (FPT) as 3D software simulation analyst in Department Manufacturing Engineering (ME) which reports to Ing. Mauro BERRUTI. The main job is to do the simulation of the production lines in order to verify and improve the performances of the production systems. This internship is totally dedicated to Project C725 (which is a project to manufacture a new type of transmission system for IVECO industrial vehicles) which will be implemented in HangZhou, China from November 2012.

January 2013-Jun 2013: work in FIAT China business co. Ltd. as Work Analysis Process Engineer in Department of Manufacturing Engineering (ME) which reports to Ing. Massimo DE POCOLLI. The main job is mainly to provide the technical support of following areas including: industrial engineering, innovation activities, WCM integration and so on. The most part of activities are related to DDCT C725 Project which is being launched in HANGZHOU HAVECO Plant.

July 2013-Now: work in FIAT China business co. Ltd. as Feasibility – Budgeting Engineer & Transmission Assistant Process Manager in Department of Manufacturing Engineering (ME) which reports to Ing. Massimo DE POCOLLI. The main job is mainly to provide the technical support of following 2 main areas:

1. Feasibility-Budgeting
1.1. Feasibility analysis of new projects in terms of initial investment, production capability, manufacturing availability, process flow, layout proposal, logistic analysis, location finalizing & associated area.
1.2 Projects Budgeting analysis in terms of equipments, manpower, technical support cost, B&U cost, tooling cost, auxiliary area cost, running cost & associated cost.

2. Transmission process management:
2.1 Transmission process deployment, analysis & improvement.
2.2 Budgeting spending planning, control and check.
2.3 Product modification related activities deployment.
2.4 Machining equipment pre/final acceptance and delivery status planning and management.
2.5 launch phase site management, PPAP & SOP management.
2.6 After-launch product track and continuous improvement.

Shanghai, Cina
Titolo di Studio: 
Automotive Engineering


*  sulla disponibilità1

** sulle modalità di contatto2

  • 1. Indica la disponibilità di Spostamento(o Relocation) del Professionista per l'eventuale opportunità professionale. Il Formato è [Paese@Città,Provincia o Regione], "Tutta" dopo la @ indica la disponibilità a spostarsi per l'intero paese. [Paese preferito1@Paese Seconda Scelta] indica invece una preferenza fra due diversi paesi. Es. "Cina@Jiangsu" indica la disponibilità del Professionista a muoversi nella Provincia di Jiangsu in Cina, "Cina@Italia" per indicare la preferenza a destinazioni cinesi su quelle italiane etc.
  • 2. Tutti gli utenti registrati possono inviarsi reciprocamente messaggi privati, mentre l'e-mail, il telefono o altri mezzi di contatto sono visibili solamente agli utenti aziendali.


Salve volevo sapere se fosse disponibile per un servizio di interpretariato per un evento la prima settimana di Giugno, il 5 di Giugno ad Haimen city, jiangsu, nord di Shanghai, se disponibile mi puo contattare a questo indirizzo mail