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traduttore e interprete docente di lingua italiana e cinese

Ritratto di anna cantelmi
1 anni di esperienza
Posizione attuale: 
traduttore di lingua cinese freelance
Livello di Cinese: 
Full Professional Proficiency
Livello Italiano: 
Altre lingue conosciute: 
inglese, spagnolo, tedesco
Settore di Specializzazione: 
interpretariato e traduzione, media, educazione
Disponibilità di spostamento*: 
italia, europa, Cina, Taiwan
Esperienza in Cina: 
5 (anni)
Esperienza Lavorativa: 

A researcher and language teacher, translator/ interpreter and journalist/ events reviewer with eight years experience working in the education, translation, media& art and costumer service sectors in the UK and China. A flexible, proactive and confident team member who has spent three years developing her own research project, which intersects Chinese and European culture and society, international relations and exchange. Demonstrable outstanding research competencies and familiarity with methodologies; excellent planning skills and ability to manage her own work independently. Recognised communication and language skills in Mandarin, Italian, English and Spanish, teaching and writing skills; ability to deal with costumers' requirements, cultural difference and international exchange.

Working experience

  • Italian/ Chinese interpreter and translator - Associazione “Giambos”, Florence, Italy : 04/2015: 08/2015

Assist “Giambos” representatives during their business trip to China and maintain correspondence and develop projects with the Chinese partners in the field of education and art (student exchange, language projects, art exhibition, cultural tours to Italy); duties includes project management, events coordinator and the creation of a web-page for “Giambos” in China.

  • Freelance personal interpreter Chinese - English, English - Chinese, Italian - Chinese: 09/2012 - now.

Assist costumers coming to China for business/ art projects/ leisure, providing translation service, organizing accommodation, meetings, schedules, transfers.

  • Italian/ English, English/ Chinese freelance translator - BBC-LLP Bright Business Consulting LLP, London, UK: 06/14 - 09/14.

Professional English-Chinese, Chinese-English and Italian-Chinese, Chinese-Italian translation of invoices, documents, texts, articles according to specific deadlines and costumers' demands. Specialized in legal and business translation.

  • Italian language teacher - Xiao Heshan International A - Level High School, Hangzhou, China: 05/14 - 06/14.

Teach Italian (from Beginners to A2 level) to Chinese students, using Mandarin as teaching language, train them for the specific University entrance examination test and Italian Language Proficiency exam. Organize extra class of Italian Literature and history, in order to offer a more complete background to the students.

  • External collaborator for selecting and organizing theater performances in China - Ibsen International - External Collaborator and Translator, China: 09/13 - present.

Assist theater companies coming to Mainland, offering translation and logistic assistance during festival organization (Beijing Fringe Festival 2013); content editor for the catalogue of Modern Chinese Theater (1990 - 2014), a project of publication regarding development of Performing arts in China.

  • Italian primary school teacher - Scuola Elementare G. Rodari, Hangzhou, China: 09/13 to 06/15.

Teach Italian Primary school program to Italian kids living in China, including grammar, literature, language use, history. Help the formation of a background of the country of origin (Italy) to children who were born or lived in China since a young age, forming their cultural and language identity as Italian in a foreigner country.

  • Foreign Language Department of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China -

Italian teacher: 09/10 to 12/14

Teach Italian (from Beginners to A2 level) to Chinese students, using Mandarin as teaching language, train them for the specific University entrance examination test and Italian Language Proficiency exam. Organise extra classes of Italian Literature and history, in order to offer a more complete background to the students.

  • Private tutor (Chinese, Italian, English): 10/11 to present

Chinese tutor for adult Mandarin beginner students, focusing first on the comprehension of the language structure and secondarily on communication and sectorial language (clothing, business).

  • English language and literature teacher - SinoEdu English Language School, Hangzhou, China: 10/12 to 06/13.

Teach English to individual students or small groups, organising a personal - oriented training focused on the students' requirement. Teach basic English words and grammar to kids, using games and visual devices to stimulate the young age- students.

  • Freelance writer and journalist - Morehangzhou Entertainment guide magazine, Hangzhou, China; echinacities. com website, China: 10/12 to 12/13.

Write articles of city features, events, travel; search Chinese sources and translate into English to be re-elaborated to create articles, review music performances, theatre shows; organise promotional events aiming at the international exchange and integration, create a net for the expats living in China.

  • Freelance Translator (Chinese/ english, English/ Chinese) - Shanghai YGYM translation Company, Shanghai, China; Tianshi Translation Company, Shanghai, China, Huizhi Translation, Shanghai; 2001 Speed translation, London, UK : 03/08 to 09/2011.

Professional English-Chinese, Chinese-English and Italian-Chinese, Chinese-Italian translation of invoices, documents, texts, articles according to specific deadlines and costumers' demands. Specialized in leisure/ art and business translation.

  • Italian language and culture teacher - Kunming Foreign Language School, Kunming, China: 06/10 to 08/10.

Teach Italian (from beginning to A2 level) to Chinese students, using Chinese language as teaching language, train them for the specific University entrance test and Italian Language Proficiency exam.

Titolo di Studio: 
PHD Letterature Comparate, MA Studi Cinesi


*  sulla disponibilità1

** sulle modalità di contatto2

  • 1. Indica la disponibilità di Spostamento(o Relocation) del Professionista per l'eventuale opportunità professionale. Il Formato è [Paese@Città,Provincia o Regione], "Tutta" dopo la @ indica la disponibilità a spostarsi per l'intero paese. [Paese preferito1@Paese Seconda Scelta] indica invece una preferenza fra due diversi paesi. Es. "Cina@Jiangsu" indica la disponibilità del Professionista a muoversi nella Provincia di Jiangsu in Cina, "Cina@Italia" per indicare la preferenza a destinazioni cinesi su quelle italiane etc.
  • 2. Tutti gli utenti registrati possono inviarsi reciprocamente messaggi privati, mentre l'e-mail, il telefono o altri mezzi di contatto sono visibili solamente agli utenti aziendali.


vorrei per cortesia che si mettesse in contatto con me all'indirizzo indicato, lasciandomi anche un suo recapito.

Grazie e cordiali saluti

Silvia Hassan

Gentile Signora / Signore,
siamo una società di servizi linguistici che da anni opera nel campo delle traduzioni, interpretariato, mediazione linguistico-culturale di persona ed interpretariato telefonico.
Siamo costantemente alla ricerca di nuovi collaboratori da inserire nel nostro organico.
Se è interessato a collaborare con noi, La preghiamo di scriverci all'indirizzo email sopra riportato.
Cordiali saluti